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MariLee Publishing - a labor of Love

How did we decide that we had what it takes to become publishers? More will be revealed in our upcoming book about Marilyn Lattimore Kitchen, the phenomenal lady who started it all.

Without her, there would be no us! Without the love that she demonstrated and shared with the world, we would have never been inspired to launch this enterprise.

Our mission involves helping you to tell your story to the world. We believe that you have a piece of the puzzle for the world. Your story can help us all become more truly human beings. If you don't tell it, it will never be told.

What would it be like to become a published author? Are you willing to find out?

Join us on our weekly Authors Mastermind calls. Information is below.

Mom Marilyn rocking it at AGAPE

Upcoming releases from MariLee Publishing

There is an African word, UBUNTU that literally translates in to "I Am because We Are". It speaks to the power of each one of us committing to take the village along with us on our journey to success.

In that context we are helping others to become published authors because we believe in the power of your story to uplift, inspire and ultimately free us from our old stories of limitation. Your story will serve to remind us of the common humanity that we share and of the ultimate victory over limitation. Your story does make a difference to the world!

Want to be a published author? You already are, just ask us how to make it manifest!

Publishing Your Next Book

Someone asked me, "How can I join you on this journey to become a published author? I have several books inside of me and just cant seem to take the next step!"

We have set the Intention to hold weekly Mastermind calls that will take you step by step to getting your book out of your head, through to your heart and on to our website, offering the richness of your ideas to the world!

You don't have to do it alone, you can join with us and fellow authors in the making as we anchor ourselves in the Mastermind experience! (look up Jack Canfield and Mastermind-its how he and Mark Victor Hansen created the Chicken Soup Series- over 150 million copies sold so far and still selling)

So what is YOUR intention? Let us know.

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